Leeks a la Greeks
8 leeks
3 tbsp olive oil
4 tomatoes, skinned and sliced
2 tbsp lemon juice
150ml/ 1/4 pint water
salt and pepper
1 tsp sugar
few black olives
1 Cut the leeks into 3.5cm/ 1 1/2inch pieces, discard any tough green part.
2 Heat the oil and cook the tomatoes for 2-3 minutes, add the lemon juice, leeks and water.
3 Bring to the boil, add salt, pepper and sugar and cook for about 5 minutes in a covered pan. Remove the lid and continue cooking until the leeks are tender, but not too soft and the excess liquid has evaporated. Add the olives.
4 Chill well and serve as a separate course.
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