Strawberry and Pink Champagne Jelly

Strawberry and Pink Champagne Jelly

Strawberry and Pink Champagne Jelly - Recipe
600g strawberries, hulled
100g caster sugar
juice of 1 lemon
8 sheets of leaf gelatine
75cl bottle of pink Champagne or sparkling rose     
2 tbsp creme de peche

To serve:
double cream

1 Slice 500g of strawberries and place in large heatproof bowl over a pan of gently simmering water. Stir in the sugar and lemon juice.

2 Cover the bowl with cling film and leave it like this for 30-40 minutes, checking water in the pan and topping up with boiling water if necessary. The fruits will yield a clear pink fragrant jus

3 Meanwhile, line a large sieve with wet muslin and place over a clean bowl. Pour the strawberry jus into the sieve and leave it to drip through, but do not rub the pulp otherwise the jus will lose its clarity. Discard the fruit pulp.

4 Soften the gelatine sheets in cold water.Meanwhile pour the strawberry jus into a clean pan and heat until on the point of boiling then take off the heat. Remove the gelatine from the cold water, squeezing out excess water and then slip into the hot jus, whisking until dissolved. Pass through the sieve into a bowl.

5 Allow to cool, then mix in the Champagne and creme de peche. Leave until the jelly is cold and just on the point of setting.

6 Meanwhile, slice the remaining 100g strawberries. Have ready 8 wine glasses or Champagne flutes. Dip the strawberry slices quickly into a little of the setting jelly and stick to the side of glasses.

7 To make this jelly sparkle, whisk the setting jelly until lightly frothy and divide it between the glasses. Chill until completely set.

8 To serve, top with a thin float of double cream.
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About Unknown

Barbettezene is Mystery and History lover with passion for paranormal activities and interesting facts from the past.


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